Today When I was scanning the front page of WLKY and noticed that they had a story titled"Alexa, Baby Shark!’ Little girl begs Alexa to play her favorite song". The first thought that went through my head was how is this news worthie, the second thought that when through my head was, why is this on the front page of the website? And this is not the first time WLKY had done this, many times have they used nonnews worthie stories and put them in the front page of the website.
Another example of s non-news worthie story is, "13 dogs who already have their Halloween costumes ready". Although this story is very cute, it has no impact on the reader or anyone else in the community, showing that it is not news worthie. WLKY also put this story on the front page of there website one day, a good news organization should always put news worthie stories on the front page.
When WLKY puts non-newsworthy stories on their front page it resembles bad journalism. This causes me to dislike that news corporation and not take them as seriously.
Baby Shark story:
WLKY homepage:
13 dogs who already have their Halloween costumes ready:
Another example of s non-news worthie story is, "13 dogs who already have their Halloween costumes ready". Although this story is very cute, it has no impact on the reader or anyone else in the community, showing that it is not news worthie. WLKY also put this story on the front page of there website one day, a good news organization should always put news worthie stories on the front page.
When WLKY puts non-newsworthy stories on their front page it resembles bad journalism. This causes me to dislike that news corporation and not take them as seriously.
Baby Shark story:
WLKY homepage:
13 dogs who already have their Halloween costumes ready:
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