Steps to Mass Communication
In my last blog, I talked about mass communication, what it was and how it affected you. In this blog, I will explain the 5 steps that it takes to form mass communication. All of which we talked about in journalism class.
Step 1: The Stimulus
The stimulus is where it all starts. A person starts off with an idea, an example that I will be using throughout these steps is my blog. My stimulus would be my idea/assignment to write about topics that have come up n journalism class.
Step 2: Encoding
Encoding is the step where you began making your idea into a produced. So in my example, I would be typing up and editing my blog.
Step 3: transmission
Transmission is a crucial par to mass communication. It is where your idea gets transferred out for the world to see. In my case, the transmission part would only include me hitting the publish button. However, in another case, it can be a very long process, like the disturbing book possibly across the world.
Step 4: Decoding
Once my blog is published it's up to the audience to read it and prosses the information, this step is called decoding. Another way to describe it is the audience breaking down the information that is given to them in the produced.
Step 5: Internalization
last but definitely not least, Internalization. Internalization is when the audience takes in the information and tries to remember it. So when you are reading this you are taking in blog and trying to remember all 5 steps.
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